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Friday, 19 July 2013

5 Groups of People during Ramadan

Its Ramadan...Alhamdulillah.

As we all are aware of it, Ramadan is the month of fasting, standing (position or state), generosity (sadaqah and du'as), self-evaluation, patience and the Qur’aan.

In this month, often we will be able to see different groups of people and their attitude towards the Holy month.

Let’s see which group do we belong to.

The first group:
is a group that sees Ramadan as a time of restrictions and preventions; a time of prohibitions from desires and lust. They do not comprehend the benefits of Ramadan. You will find them lazy and tired. They fast with great difficulties while continuing in backbiting, lying and other sins. They see the fast as nothing more than an obstacle in front of their desires.

As for the second group:
it is a group that sees the month of Ramadan as a month of food and drink. Most of their time is consumed going and coming from the grocery store purchasing food for themselves, families and guests. Ramadan doesn’t increase them except in appetite. We know that consuming lots of foods will cause fatigue and laziness. The worst thing that the sons of Adam can fill is their stomachs. In addition, some from amongst them actually gain weight in Ramadan.

As for the third group:
they know nothing of Ramadan except that it is obligatory. Neither the days nor the nights are spent in worship rather they might not even perform the five daily prayers. They awaken with Allah’s displeasure and sleep with Allah’s displeasure.

As for the fourth group:
it is a group who does not know Allah except and until the month of Ramadan. They attend the Jumu’ah prayer, frequent the Masjid and the women wear the hijaab for the duration of Ramadan. And when the month is over all of those good deeds come to end, that is until the next Ramadan.

As for the fifth group:
this group is a group who cannot wait for the arrival of Ramadan. And when it comes they roll up their sleeves even more and they work as hard as they can. This month rejuvenates and strengthens them.

Now lets evaluate ourselves. Which group do you belong to?

Source taken with minimal editing from:- 

Shifa from Qur'anic Verses : Prophet Ayub alaihi salam

If you are down with any sicknesses or disease, know that Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala Mercy and Assistance is always near. Praise Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala (Tasbih Fatimah, Asma'ul Husna, Astaghfar, etc) and seek for rewards solely rather than making intention to cure alone. In Shaa Allah, with much praises to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala, the barakah will surround you and In Shaa Allah, you will be cured. Remember Kun Fayakun? Subhan'Allah!

With that, lets read the story of Prophet Ayub alaihi salam when he was afflicted with a skin disease. Masha'Allah.
Prophet Ayub alaihi salam was one of the descendants of the Prophet Ibrahim alaihi salam and a nephew of Prophet Ya'qub alaihi salam. He was sent to reform the people who lived in the desert situated in the north eastern corner of Palestine. When Ayub alaihi salam was chosen to be the Prophet, he started to teach the people about God and His religion. He advised the people to do good and shun evil. As usual with all the Prophets very few people believed in him in the beginning but gradually the number of his followers began to increase.

Prophet Ayub alaihi salam was a prosperous man with firm faith in Allah. He possessed vast farms, enormous wealth, many cattle and valuable property but these things did not make him arrogant. His wealth provided him with a medium by means of which he sought Allah's grace.

The Prophet Ayub alaihi salam was a pattern of humility and faith in Allah. He was very patient. He suffered from a number of calamities but did not utter a single word of complaint. One day his big farm was attacked by the thieves. They killed many of his servants and carried away forcibly all his cattle. The Prophet Ayub alaihi salam did not feel sorry at this loss and thanked Allah. Shaytan was jealous of Prophet Ayu alaihi salam and
intends to find out when he suggests that Allah remove Ayub’s blessings of wealth, health and family.   Ayub alaihi salam was committed to daily prayer and would frequently thank Allah for blessings He had bestowed on him but Shaytan was convinced that Ayub would turn away from his Lord when he was faced with intense suffering, illness and distress.  Allah knew his faithful slave would never turn away from His faith so He allowed Shaytan to afflict Ayub with many calamities one after the other. 

Allah makes it very clear that children and wealth are merely adornments of this brief life and that He will test us through our love for them. 
Wealth and children are the attractions of this worldly life, but lasting good works have a better reward with your Lord and give better grounds for hope.  (Quran 18:46)

After a few years Prophet Ayub alaihi salam suffered from skin disease. His parts of body were covered with loathsome sores. He had many ugly looking ulcers on his face and hands. The sores were full of worms. It is narrated that he picked up those worms which fell from his abscess and praised Allah for creating them. He did not kill them nor toss them aside as he feared that he will not enter Jannah if those worms complains to Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala and also that the worms lived (also creations of Allah) while they were in his body. 

Various opinions state that Prophet Ayub suffered these afflictions for between 7 and 18 years. Throughout this time, he continued to praise and thank Allah. Never once did he complain, or begrudge the fate that Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala had decreed for him. Instead, he fell in prostration, making dua to Allah; ‘O Allah! By Your Honour, I will never lift my head till You release me from my suffering’. And he did not lift his head, praying and thanking Allah, until he was cured. 

Above all, his false friends attributed his calamities to his sins. They ridiculed and looked down upon him. All the persons deserted him with the exception of his faithful wife, Rahima. She also grew tired of him in the long run and prayed for his death. She cursed her husband for retaining integrity in Allah. Angels were around when he was having his prayers and saw those worms falling from his body. They then, went to Allah and ask from Him, what can Ayub alaihi salam do to heal. Angels came down and told Ayub alaihi salam to make du'a that Allah has asked him to. The Angels advised Ayub that Allah Subhana Wa Ta'ala will only say, "Kun Fayakun" and you will be cured In Shaa Allah. Prophet Ayub alaihi salam recited this du'a that had cured him completely.

According to Ustaz Sharhan, when you recite this ayat, place your palm on the affected area and take a deep breath and tawakal to Allah. He also mentioned that even though you're not cured from any disease, always praise Allah for more rewards for the Hereafter In Shaa Allah.

Allah accepted his prayer. The Holy Quran affirms:
"Then We heard his prayer and removed that adversity from which he suffered, and We gave him his household and the like thereof along with them, a mercy from Our store and remembrance for the worshippers." (Surah 21: Verse 84)

Allah turned to him with mercy. He was commanded to strike the earth with his foot. He complied with the order and water from the spring gushed forth. He took a bath with the water and got cured from his evil disease. After this he was restored to prosperity. The Prophet Ayub alaihi salam knelt and prayed expressing a deep sense of gratitude to Allah. He never forgot His favours, mercy and love.

The Holy Quran affirms: 
"And surely we try you with something of fear and hunger, and loss of wealth and crops, but give glad-tidings to the steadfast, who when a misfortune befalls them, say lo! we are Allah's (possession of Allah) and to Him shall we surely return. · Such are they on whom are blessings from their Lord, and mercy. Such are the rightly-guided." (Surah 2 : Verse 155-157)


1. Al-Kuliyyah by Ustaz Sharhan Shafie, TV3 Malaysia-19th July 2013 -aired at 6p.m.
2. Prophet Ayub alaihi salam, Accessed on 19th July 2013.
3. Glimpses from the Life of Prophet Ayub, Accessed on 19th July 2013.
4. Prophet Ayub- Patience, Patience, Patience, on 19th July 2013.
5. Stories of the Prophets, Ibn Kathir, Ad-Damishqi 700-774H, pp 185,

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Prayer is Better than Sleep

The Holy Prophet () has said: “Whoever proclaims the Adzan for 7 years, for the sake of reward, Allah keeps him secure from the Hellfire.” (Tirmizi, Ibn Majah)

While the Adzan is being said, one must not indulge in any talk, recite Quran etc., nor indulge in other activities. Listen to the “Azaan” attentively and reply to it. The same applies to the “Iqamah”.

For the one who stays engrossed in talk while the “Azaan” is being proclaimed,there is a danger of him dying an evil death.

While saying “Hayya alas-Salaah Hayya alal-Falaah” in the “Azaan” or in the “Iqamah”, one must face right and left respectively. Upon hearing the “Azaan”, it is commanded to reply to it - i.e. to repeat the words which the Caller (Muazzin) is saying, except for the words“Hayya alas-Salaah Hayya alal-Falaah”, for which one must say "Laa hawla wa laa quwwata illaa Billah" (There is neither power nor strength, except with Allah).

In the Adzan for the Dawn Prayer (Fajr salat), when the Imam says the following words twice,

"AsSalaatu Khairum-minun-Naum"

Translation : Prayer is better than sleep.

The response to these words is "Sadaqta wa bararta, wa bilHaqqi Nataqta"

Translation: You have confirmed the truth and you did well - and you have spoken a fact.

After hearing the adzan, the following du’a must be recited.


Allaa-humma Rabba Haazihid-Da'watit-Taaammati was-Salaatil Qaa-imati Aati Saiey-yidinaa Muhammada nil-Waseelata wal-Fadeelah wassharofawad-Darajatar Rafee'ah wab-As-hu Maqaamam Mahmooda nil-Lazee wa'Adtah, Innaka Laa Tukhliful-Mee'aad.

Translation: O' Allah! The Sovereign Lord of the ever-establishing prayer and of this perfect call, grant our leader Hadrat Muhammad (peace be upon him) "Al-Waseelah" (the loftiest position ofintercession) and "Al-Fadeela" (the singular Fee excellence), and the highest rank and elevate him to "Maqaam-e-Mahmood" (an exclusively praise-worthy primacy reserved only for the Holy Prophet) and bless us with his intercession on the Doomsday. Undoubtedly, You do not do anything against Your promise.

Azan ka Jawab, Accessed on 19th July 2013. 
The Right and Perfect Way to answer Adzan, Accessed on 19th July 2013.

Adzan and Iqamah,  Accessed on 19th July 2013.

Call to Prayer, Accessed on 19th July 2013. 
The Call of Prayer, Accessed on 19th July 2013.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

Excuse me, Salt & Bacon?

So prayers are over. I say, hey, who's going to recognize me? So I start to mingle like I'm one of the brothers, and I'm walking into the mosque and a brother says,"Assalamualaikum."

And I thought, did he say,"Salt and bacon?"


There's another guy who said "salt and bacon" to me. I didn't know what in the world they were saying, but they all smiled.Before one of these guys noticed that I was not supposed to be there and took me to the torture chamber, or beheaded me, I wanted to see as much as I could. So, eventually I went to the library, and there was a young Egyption brother; his name was Omar. God sent him to me.

Omar comes up to me, and he says,"Excuse me. This is your first time here?" He has a real strong accent.

And I said, "Yeah, it is".

"Oh, very good. You are Muslim?"

"No, I'm just reading a little."

"Oh, you are studying? This is your first visit to mosque?"


"Come, let me show you around." And he grabs me by the hand, and I'm walking with another man - holding hands. I said, these Muslims are friendly.So, he shows me around.

"First of all, this is our prayer hall, and you take your shoes off right here"

"What are these things?"

"These are little cubicles. That's where you put your shoes."


"Well, because you're approaching the prayer area, and it's very holy. You don't go in there with your shoes on; it's kept real clean."

So he takes me to the men's room.

"And right here, this where we do wudhu."

"Voodoo!! I didn't read anything about voodoo!"

"No, not voodoo. Wudhu!"

"Okay, because I saw that stuff with the dolls and the pins, and I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment yet."

He says, "No, wudhu, that's when we clean ourselves."

"Why do you do that?"

"Well, when you pray to God, you have to be cleam, so we wash our hands and feet."

So I learned all these things. He let me go, and said, "Come back again."

Raphael Latino,Former Jehovah's Witness minister, Los Angeles, USA.


Source copied from:

In Search of Excellence in Life - Experiences from the well known persons which include scientists, scholards, intellectuals and priests from all over the world,  2008, pp 71-73. Edited by Shaya'a Othman, ISBN 978-98-4422-0-1, Majlis Agama Islam Selangor. 

Sunday, 7 July 2013

You ask QUESTIONS - the Al-Quran ANSWERS.

EVERY SINGLE thing in this life has its origins, its creators.

Who created the desk you're sitting at today? Surely someone did.. a carpenter perhaps?

Who designed the house you're living in today? Surely the engineers and the architects did...

Now, who created the UNIVERSE? And for what PURPOSE??Ask yourself.... WHO created YOU??

This beautiful earth is not created for you to adore its beauty alone, but to understand that this serves as a proof of the Creator.Why do we worship the sun, the trees, or idols made of stones? Why do we worship the people whom we claimed the saints?

Does Allah SWT command us to worship Prophet Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wassalam (s.a.w) or Prophet Isa (Jesus Al- Masih) or Maryam a.s.? Do this Creations of Allah created Heavens and Earth? The Days and Nights?Why do we worship His Creations?

We must worship Him, The Almighty, The Ahad, the One and Only, Allah SWT.

Does your replies return the same answers to the following questions?

1. WHO created the Heavens and Earth? Surah Al- Ankabut (29:44)

"Allah says to His Prophet Muhammad s.a.w, Allah (Alone) created the heavens and the earth with truth (and none shared Him in their creation). "Verily!Therein is surely a sign for those who believe."

2. WHO created the Days and the Nights? Surah Al-Anbiya (21:104)

"And (remember) the Day when We shall roll up the heaven like a scroll rolled up for books. As We began the first creation, We shall repeat it. (It is) a promise binding upon us. Truly, We shall do it" 

3. WHO created YOU? Surah Al-Mukminoon (23:14)

"Then We made the Nutfah into a clot (a piece of thick coagulated blood), then We made the clot into a little lump of flesh, then We made out that little lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, and then We brought it forth as another creation. So Blessed is Allah, the Best of Creators." 

4. WHO created the perfect circle of life in this world? The universe was created as a proof of the Creator.  - Surah Al-Baqarah (2:164)

"Verily! In the creation of the heavens and the earth, and in the alternation of night and day, and the ships which sail through the sea with that which is of use to mankind, and the water (rain) which Allah sends down from the sky and makes the earth alive therewith after its death, and the moving (living) creatures of all kinds that He has scattered therein, and in the veering of winds and clouds which are held between the sky and the earth, are indeed Ayat (proofs, evidence, signs, etc) for people of understanding.)

5. WHO is the Creator? - Surah Al-A'raf (7:54)

" Indeed your Lord is Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth  in Six days, and then He rose over (Istawa) the Throne (really in a manner that suits His Majesty). He brings the nigth as a cover over the day, seeking it rapidly, and (He created) the sun, the moon, the stars subjected to His command. Surely, His is the Creation and Commandment. Blessed is Allah, the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists!).

"So which of the favors of your Lord would you deny?" Surah Al-Rahman(55:13)


[1] Al-Quran (

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Do you realize it?

  • How big the value of $50 is, to be donated to the masjid’s donation box, seems to be too small when we’re spending it in a shopping mall…  
  • 30 minutes seems to be too long to spend for zikrullah, but rather too short for a show on television to end...  
  • 2 hours seems to be too long to be at the masjid, but it feels as if it’s too short of a time for a movie at the cinema...  
  • How difficult it is to say and wish for what we want in a du’a while in solat, but it’s so easy to look for things to gossip/ talk about with friends …  
  • How exciting it is to hear the cheers and screams that lasts the entire football/ soccer match, compared to how boring and long it feels with the imam heading the tarawih in Ramadhan …  
  • How difficult it is to recite even 1 para/ juz of the Al-Quran, compared to reading entertainment mags or a 100-page best-selling novel…  
  • People rather fight for front-row seats to watch football match or concerts, but often fought for the last row saf for Jumaah solat so they could leave soon…


3 things in life that will never come back… - TIME - WORDS - OPPORTUNITY

3 things that will destroy one’s life:- - ANGER - ARROGANCE - REVENGE 

3 things that will never be get rid of:- - HOPE - SINCERETY - HONESTY

3 priceless things:- - AFFECTION - LOVE - GOOD DEEDS

3 uncertain things in this world: - WEALTH - SUCCESS - DREAMS

3 things that helps to shape one’s character: - COMMITMENT - INTEGRITY - HARDWORK

3 things that will make us successful: -  WILLPOWER - OBJECTIVES - FOCUS

3 things that we can never predict or know: - SUSTANENCE/ RIZQ - AGE - or WHAT OR WHO IS MEANT FOR US

But, 3 things are certain, for definite: - OLD AGE - TO FALL SICK - DEATH