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Friday, 30 December 2016

Would You Marry You?

At times, we took for granted on the things Allah has granted us, one of them is a spouse. While others still searching for one halal relationship in a marriage, we tend to gradually destroy the marriage rather than building it...or its easy for us to move on and remarry and divorced more than couple of times without even pondering (muhasabah) on ourselves... what was the reason behind those failed marriage(s)?

The list serves as a reminder to each one of us, myself, first and foremost to ponder about our own shortcomings.

1. Fear Allah, for having ehsaan (doing anything and thinking that Allah is always watching) will make us treat others with kindness and love.
2. Good hygiene. Keep yourself clean, smelling good for her, take shower after work and be comfortable. Do not wait until your spouse had to ask you to go and have shower and clean yourself. Imagine having to hold your spouse who smell of smokes and carbon monoxide!

3. Have good manners in public as well as when you are with her. If you’re able to control your temper in public, try that too at home.

4.   If you get up earlier than her, wake her up to perform tahajjud with you. Do not ever, pray alone at home.
5.  Make her feel needed. In Ramadhan especially, tell her what you wish to have for sehri and plan to have siyam the next day with her. Do not ask anyone else (if you’re staying in a joint family) to do what she loves doing for you.
6.  Protect her from being mistreated by others, even by your own family members.“O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm in justice, witnesses for Allah , even if it be against yourselves or parents and relatives. Whether one is rich or poor, Allah is more worthy of both. So follow not [personal] inclination, lest you not be just. And if you distort [your testimony] or refuse [to give it], then indeed Allah is ever, with what you do, Acquainted.” – Surah An-Nisa (4:135)
7.  If you smell trouble in a joint family, quickly find a solution by getting a home nearby (if you are required to be near to your parents). This is better as no kitchen has two queens. Refer to Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi book on Guiding Principles of Married Life (also discussed briefly under A Splendid Paragon: Walking on Eggshells)
8.  If you were divorced with children from previous marriage, try your best to include her in the meetings and introduce her to your children. Never tell her that she has no right and they are not part of her life but you alone.
9.  Flirt with your wife, never miss any chance to touch her (hold her hand, feed her, counting zikr using her fingers instead of your tasbeeh) and make her feel wanted and appreciated. Be playful and let her know that she’s irresistible.
10.Never joke about getting her a co-wife especially when we are not able to be just. Abu Hurairah radi’Allahu anhu narrated, Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said, “ There are three matters in which seriousness is serious and joking is serious: marriage, divorce and taking back (one’s wife)- Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2194;al-Tirmidhi, 1184; Ibn Majah,2039.
    11. Never include third person in any of your conversation when it is tensed or in good times. If you’re previously divorced with an ex-wife, never compares the ex with your wife. The ex-wife is haram for you anyway.
    12. Date your wife. Never have this thinking, “She’s mine now, what else do I have to do?”. Constantly reassure her that you love spending time with her, not your sports channel, your work or your ex-wife.
   13.  Your wife is already halal for you, so, is there a pressing need to talk, chat, mingle and joke around with non-mehram?
   14.  Do not allow the disagreement lets you avoid her for weeks (not talking). This is one form of abuse that are more harmful than the physical abuse.
   15. Smile at her as soon as you see her at the doorstep coming home from work. She misses you and whether you realized it or not, she is looking at you constantly, waiting for you to smile back at her.
  16. If she advises you on Deen, say Alhamdulillah for someone is being sent to you by Allah as a reminder. Never tell her that you know Deen better than her.
  17. Do not praise her for the good she does (taking care of you, how she cooks good food for you, how she always keeps your coffee refilled) to your own mother (whether if we stay in a joint family or not). No woman likes to hear a compliment about another woman.
  18.  Praises her in seclusion (refer to point 17 for the reason why). Tell our spouse the details if we do praises them.
 19. Never include your own family in decisions involving your marriage, this spells disaster. Instead, conduct musyawarah from a learned shaykh, deeni teachers who understand the fiqh of marriage.
  20.  Do not treat her like a second-class citizen. She has left her comfortable home and family to be with you. By right, you should be able to take care of her better than her own father.
  21.  Never ignore her but pay attention to her, because once you stop doing that, she’ll gradually stop taking care of herself (beauty, health and so on).
  22. Do not dominate the conversation by raising your voice to exhibit authority or to validate her actions. Talk and listen. Once during a journey, Safiya radi’Allahu anha was crying because she had be made to ride a slow camel. The Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam didn’t tell her she was being unreasonable. Instead, he wiped her tears, comforted her, and even tried to find her another camel.
  23. Do not punish her for her mistakes. She is the same as you, a human being and to err is human. Hold her hand and talk to her lovingly instead of ignoring her for days. Guide her with kindness, not pinpoint her mistakes and keeps pestering, reminding dwell about her mistakes whole time.
 24.   She is someone else’s daughter and she is your amanah. Think about this, would you wish your daughters or sisters to be treated kindly by her husband or otherwise?
 25.   She is not born pious (and do remember this, so were you). One of the reasons she has chosen you to be her husband is for you to guide her towards being in Jannah together, not Jahannum. If we expect our spouse to be pious then we should just get married to our shaykh!

 26. When coming back from a long journey, do not only get gifts for others in the household and get nothing for your wife -- its a sunnah to bring some gifts from long journey home. Should you have nothing to give her, never show her the gifts you've bought for others in the joint family to her.

27.    Have the courage to change for good and the same for admitting our mistakes.
28.  Be caring. Anas ibn Malik narrates,” I saw the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam making for her (Safiya) a kind of cushion with his cloak behind him(on his camel). He then sat beside his camel and put his knee for Safiya to put her foot on, in order to ride (on the camel) – Sahih Al-Bukhari

Truth is, no one who wish to get married thinking about divorce. Everyone wishes to have a sakinah home, a mawaddah family and Rehmah by being married. The efforts should be from both sides. 

Let’s ponder, “Would you marry you?”

Friday, 9 December 2016

Remedy for Difficulties and Sufferings

Prayers (duas) are indeed the weapon for the believers.

Indeed, it is an amazing thing to be able to remember Allah in everything that we do, regardless whether we are in a good or bad situation. Invocations are not only meant to be said or recited only when we are in troubles or in our salah, but also advisable when we're given the blessings from Allah Ta'ala. Most of us tend to forget, and it is a reminder to myself, first and foremost, that those who are grateful of Allah's Mercy on them, and as sign of being grateful, is to perform salah on time.

I've came across this amazing dua's from Hisnul Muslim from my mobile phone. It has been a while since I use this app and just like many reminders sent from Allah without us realizing it, a screen pops up suggesting few apps to be deleted due to being not frequently used.

The following invocations (munjiyaat) proved as a remedy for ending difficulties, Alhamdulillah. The SEVEN invocations were taken from Al-Quran as recommend by Ulama Ibn Sirin.

Ka'ab Ahbaar (May Allah have Mercy on him) said, " There are FOUR ayats in the Qur'an, when I recite them, I become free from every worry. Even if the sky fall down on the earth, I will get respite from the Order of Allah.

Ayat 1: Surah At-Tawbah (9:51)

Ayat 2: Surah Yunus (10:107)

Ayat 3: Surah Hud (11:6)

Ayat 4: Surah Hud (11:56)

Ayat 5: Surah Al-Ankabut (29:60)

Ayat 6: Surah Fatir (35:2)

Ayat 7: Surah Az-Zumar (39:39)

May Allah place us among those who have gratitude for all the blessings He granted us even though, most of the time, we act, think or do things as if He is not Watching, as if we have no fear for Him, Nauzubillahi min zalik.

Ad-Du'a Divine Help (Translation of Momin Ka Hathyar (Urdu) Easy Masnoon Du'as for the Morning and the Evening, Compiled by Mohammed Yunus Palanpuri, Maktaba Ibn-E-Kaseer

Monday, 15 August 2016

Situations in Which Gheebah (“Backbiting”) is Permitted

Praise be to Allah.

The scholars have stated that gheebah is permitted in certain situations:

1-Complaining. It is permissible for the one who has been wronged to complain to the ruler or judge and others who have the authority or ability to settle the score with the one who wronged him.

2-Seeking help to change evil and bring the sinner back to the right path, so he may say to the one who he hopes is able to do something: “So and so is doing such and such; tell him not to do it.”

3-Seeking advice or a fatwa (religious ruling), by saying to the mufti (scholar), “So and so/my father/my brother has wronged me by doing such and such, does he have the right to do that? How can I solve this problem and ward off his harm from me?”

4-Warning the Muslims of someone’s evil, such as highlighting the weakness of some reporters or witnesses or authors. That also includes seeing someone buying faulty goods, or someone keeping company with one who is a thief or adulterer, or giving a female relative of his to such a man in marriage, and the like. You should tell them about that by way of sincere advice, not with the aim of causing harm and spreading mischief.

5-If a person openly commits evil or follows bid’ah (innovation), such as drinking alcohol and seizing people’s wealth unlawfully, it is permissible to speak of what he is doing openly, but it is not permissible to speak against him any other way, unless it is for another reason.

6-For identification, if someone is known by a nickname such as the dim-sighted one, or the blind man or the one-eyed or the lame one, it is permissible to identify him as such, but it is haraam (impermissible) to mention that by way of belittling him, and if it is possible to identify him in some other way, that is better.

It says in Fatawa al-Lajnah al-Daimah li’l-Ifta: 

Speaking about a person in his absence is permissible in certain situations as indicated by shar’I Islamic legal) evidence, if there is a need for that, such as if someone consults you about arranging a marriage to him, or entering into a business partnership with him, or if someone complains to the authorities to put a stop to his wrongdoing. In that case there is nothing wrong with saying things about him that he may not like to be said, because there is an interest to be served by that.

One of the scholars summed up in two lines of poetry the situations in which it is permissible to talk about a person in his absence, and said: 

Criticizing is not gheebah in six (cases) – complaining, identifying, warning,when the person is committing evil openly, when advice is sought, and when one is asking for help in removing an evil. 

End quote. 

And Allah knows best.

Quoted from Ukht Sauda 

Non-Mehram Short Story Series: Is Sitting & Eating Together Wajib?

The question that remains to be answered is, "Are we now not allowed to sit on the same Dastarkhan with our brother's wives?" This is the accusation put against this poor servant that once one of their family members begin keeping a beard, starts to adopt the appearance of the pious, begins saying Allah-Allah and begins lowering their gazes with respect to their brother's wives, their paternal and maternal cousins from both sides, they do not even go and sit anywhere near these relatives because this disease of beauty is such that even if one sits ten feet away from any non-Mehram woman, heat will be transferred even from that distance. The heat of a fire does not remain limited to the fire itself. It will spread a long distance away from the fire itself and heat up the entire area. It is something that travels and spreads far and wide. 

Even if the heat itself does not reach one, the smoke will be a source of great discomfort and uneasiness. The men of Allah Ta'ala are those who even save themselves from the discomfort and uneasiness of the smoke of sin. Some people in their simple mindedness and immaturity say, "What is wrong if four brothers sit together on one side of the Dastarkhan while their four wives sit together on the other side of the Dastarkhan? Put it to the test and see what happens. If this action does not cause harm and destruction to the heart, then hold me responsible. 

Why has Allah Ta'ala stated:

"These are the limits [set by] Allah , so do not approach them. Thus does Allah make clear His ordinances to the people that they may become righteous."- Surah Al-Baqarah (2:187).

On the other hand, Allah's most Beloved Messenger sallallahu alaihi wasallam has stated:

O Allah, put a great distance between me and my sins, as great as the distance You have made between the East and the West. O Allah, cleanse me of sin as a white garment is cleansed from filth. O Allah, wash away my sins with snow and water and hail.” (Bukhari)

Why is it that when someone seats you at an inappropriate place, when someone seats you among non-Mahram women, you sit there indulgently and at ease? Why do you not keep your distance? Why did you not have the Taufeeq to flee away from there? Remember, when it comes to Shari'ah, even one's parents have no say. They cannot interfere in the laws of Shari'ah. Tell me, who is greater, one's parents or Allah Ta'ala? 

Therefore, children should, with the greatest of respect, not with the slightest bit of disrespect and while honouring their parents with the sweetest words tell them,"O my beloved mother, my beloved father, this is the command of Rabb because of which I am helpless but to obey and follow it. I am more than prepared to even pick up and clean your waste. I am prepared to spend my life and wealth on you but O my beloved mother and father, do not throw me onto the path of disobedience to Allah Ta'ala and thereby send me to destruction. Do not set me into the path of hell."

Determine what the Fatwa is from some Mufti. 

If someone says, "The house is too small because of which there is not enough space for sitting separately." In that case, change the times when meals are served. Let the menfolk sit together at one time and let the womenfolk sit together at another time. Otherwise, let the women sit down to eat first and then let the men sit down thereafter. Is it necessary for everyone to sit down to eat together? Is it WAJIB to sit down and eat with jamaat? Is Salah WAJIB or is eating together wajib?

Listen carefully! Listen Attentively! Listen very attentively!

Source copied from:

The Shar'i Emphasis To Adopt Purdah (Hijab) from Non-MehramsWho Finds Us and By Whom Are We Attained? , Shaikh-ul-Arab Wal Ajam Arifbillah Hazrat-e-Aqdas Moulana Shah Hakeem Muhammad Akhtar Saheb (rahmatullah alaih), Kutub Khana Mazhari, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, pp 20-22. 

The Ideal Muslimah : Leading their Men to Piety

One of the Deeni deficiencies found amongst some women is that they are not very particular about steering men away from the fire of hell.

In other words, they couldn't be concerned in the least bit whether the husbands provide Halaal or Haraam for them.  His source of earnings, be it in the form of bribery or any other Haraam avenue is of no concern to them. Explain to your husbands that they should not pursue Haraam sources and you would suffice with the little Halaal that they provide.

Similarly, if the husband discards his Salaah, she won't advise him in the least bit whereas if her own interests are at hand she will leave no stone unturned in achieving her ends. If a woman wishes to make her husband religious-conscious, it is not a very difficult task. However, to achieve this you should endevour to become religious-conscious yourself. Be regular and particular about your salah, saum, etc. Thereafter, advise your husband as well. Insha'Allah, your advice will then be very impressive.

If the women muster the courage and strength, the men will have no option but to become Allah-conscious. There are many instances whereby the women pressurized the men into giving up their evil practices. For example, some told them that if you don't abstain from accepting bribery, we will not eat your income. Their relationship of love compounded with her sincerety had such an effect that they relinquished their evil habit of accepting bribes. (Islaahe-Ingilaab page 184) 

Source copied from:-

A Gift to the Husband and Wife, Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanwi (rahimahullah alaih), Kutub Khana Mazhari, Gulshan-e-Iqbal, Karachi. 

Are We Among Those Whom Allah Loves?

Ibn ul Qayyim said: “The answer lies in the Qu’ran and Sunnah because they are full of mention those that Allah loves from his righteous servants.”

Those individual that Allah loves based on the text in the Qu’ran and Sunnah are:

1. Al-Mumin, Al-Muwahid. The True Believer Who worships Allah alone and believes in him as he has been commanded to believe. Whoever turns their backs, Allah will bring a people that love Him, and He loves them. They worship Him alone.

Ibn Taymiyyah said: “The more the slave perfects Tawheed, the more the servant loves Allah and the more the servant loves Allah, the more Allah loves him”. Allah does not like the oppressors and the greatest form of oppression is Shirk.

2. The one who follows the Sunnah. Allah says: “Say (Oh Muhammed) if you truly love Allah then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins”. This verse is also referred to as Surah Intiham (the test).Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Allah loves those people who stick to the Sunnah. There is no happiness unless we follow the Sunnah”

3. The one that loves the Companions. Allah hates those who hate them because the companions are auliyah of Allah. Allah says “Whoever inflicts harm upon any of my auliyah, then I have announced war against that person.” We should seek to follow the companions and their understanding of the Qu’ran.

4. The person that loves their brother purely for the sake of Allah. In a Hadith reported by Muslim, Abu Hurairah narrated that the Prophet ( sallalahu alaiha wa sallam) said “There was a man who visited his brother who lived in another village, an angel came to him as he was on his was and the angel asked “Where do you plan to go?” he said “I want to visit a brother of mine that resides in that village”, the angel then asked “are you visiting him to repay his favour?”, the man replied “No, the only reason I’m visiting is because I love him for the sake of Allah. The angel then said “I am a messenger that has been sent to you from Allah to inform you that Allah loves you just as you love this person”.

Loving a person for the sake of Allah is not simple so if you find someone who loves you for the sake of Allah hold on to them with all your strength because they are rarer than any gem. In this time people don’t love each other for the sake of Allah. How can you test yourself? One of the Salaf said if when this person treats you well, it does not increase your love for him and if he hurts you then you don’t hate him more. If you want to see if he is true then upset him, if you see him behaving as you would expect then he is your true friend. Loving one another is something that is rare in our time.

5. Al- Abd at-takir, al-ghanir, the servant that is righteous, pious self sufficient and prefers to remain hidden. Reported by Muslim, the prophet (sallalahu alaiha wa sallam) said, “Allah loves the servant that is righteous, self sufficient and prefers to be hidden, not wanting to be famous.” There are no limits that some people are willing to transgress to become famous “Allah loves those who are pious”( Al- Imran)

6. The one who is patient. Allah says “Allah is with those who are As- Sabirun (patient)( 8:46)”. Being patient is that we stop ourselves from despairing and panicking, and stop our tongues from complaining. Patience of which Allah informs us is that He loves those who are patient. The prophet (sallalahu alaiha wa sallam) said: “ Hastiness is from the devil ”

7. Those who place their trust and reliance on Allah. When you make a decision place your trust in Allah because Allah loves those who place their trust in Him. What does it mean to place your trust in Allah? It means that you place trust, from your heart, in Allah and that he will give you what is beneficial and protect you. You also believe no one gives; no one withholds no one benefits and no one harms except from Allah. The prophet (sallalahu alaiha wa sallam) said “A people will enter paradise and they will have hearts like birds meaning they place their trust in Allah just like the bird does. The Prophet explained; if you truly place your trust in Allah He will provide for you like He provides for the birds, which leaves the nest in the morning hungry and returns full”.The story shows one of the fruits of placing trust in Allah. Prophet Ibrahim (alaiha sallam) said “Allah is sufficient for me and He is the best of protectors”. The fire was so hot that they had to throw him in from a distance but when he was faced with that trial he put his trust in Allah. The fire then cooled for him.

8. The person who is just, who is fair. Allah says in Qu’ran “Allah loves those who are just” What is just? Wherever dispute reaches you, you judge in accordance to the book of Allah and the Sunnah. One of the greatest blessings of Allah is that He makes a person just, and the person likes to be just and loves the truth and prefers it over everything else. Ibn Taymiyyah said: “No people have ever disputed about the fact that the end result of oppression is chaos”. That is why it has been said Allah will give victory to a just nation even if they are non Muslims. Be fair in all your affairs because Allah hates those who spread corruption, just because you don’t like someone does not mean you can be unjust.

9. The person who repents. Allah says in Al- Baqarah “Allah loves those who repent and He loves those who purify themselves.” Ibn ul Qayyim said “Repentance is one of the realities of the religion of Islam” The one who repents is the one who Allah loves. Repentance is that you abstain and abandon that which Allah dislikes and return to that which Allah loves. It is important that we never think that is too late for us to repent because this is an idea of the Shaitan to prevent you from repenting. Ibn Taymiyyah said: “Whoever repents to Allah then this general repentance, by the will of Allah, will result in a person being forgiven even if they don’t remember what they did.”

10. Reported by Bukhari and Muslim. In a hadith where Aisha (radi allahu anha) said “A group of individuals complained to the prophet because one of the individuals would always finish salah with Surah Ikhlas, They mentioned it to the Prophet (sallalahu alaiha wa sallam) and he said, “Ask him why is he doing this”. So they asked him and he said “it contains the attributes of Ar- Rahman and I love to recite it.” The prophet said “Tell this man that Allah loves him.” The scholars say there are two reasons why Allah loves him.· Allah loves him because he loves Surah Ikhlas· Allah loves this person because he loves to mention the attributes of Allah.(This hadith is a refutation to those who say Allah has no attributes)

11. The person who posses Ihsan. Ihsan can be divided into 2 groups.· To worship Allah as if you see Him and if you can’t see Him, know that He sees you.· Treating the creation (humans, animals) fairly and properly.

Source copied from

Hasad [Jealousy] and Ghibtah [Envy]

The Arabic word Hasad, the English equivalent of which is 'jealousy',is invariably used in the bad sense. It generally means to desire the deprivation of the other man rather than one's own acquisition of any bliss that he may possess.

Simply put, Hasad means that a person should feel unhappy at the better fortune and good quality that Allah has granted to another, and wishes that it should be taken away from the other person and given to him, or at least the other should be deprived of it. Hasad in this sense is totally forbidden and a major sin.

This is the first sin that was committed in the heaven and also the first one committed on the earth.

The Iblis was jealous of 'Adam alaihi salam in the heaven and the latter's son Qabil was jealous of his brother Habil on earth. [Qurtubi].

Ghibtah, on the other hand, means to desire for oneself the same blessing as the other man has, without any idea of the latter's losing it.This is not only permissible but also desirable.

Musnad of Ahmad records that a Jewish person cast a magical spell on the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam, as a result of which he fell ill. Jibra'il alaihi salam came to him and informed him that a particular Jew had cast a spell on him,that he had tied knots in his hair to accomplish this objective, and it is thrown into a particular well. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam sent some of his Companions to bring it from the well Jibra'il alaihi salam had described. The Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam untied the knots, and he was instantly cured. Jibra'il alaihi salam informed him of the name of the Jew and the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam knew the culprit, but it was not in keeping with his compassionate disposition to avenge anyone in his personal matter. Therefore, this was never brought to the attention of the Jew guilty of the black magic, nor did any sign of complaint ever appear on the blessed face of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam. Being a hypocrite, he regularly attended the Holy Prophet's sallallahu alaihi wasallam gatherings.

One day the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said to Sayyidah 'A'ishah radi'Allahu anha that Allah has shown him what his illness was and added: "Two men came to me in my dream. One of them sat by my head side while the other sat by my feet, and the following conversation ensued:

Question: 'What is wrong with this man?'

Answer: 'He is bewitched.'

Question: 'Who has bewitched him?'

Answer: 'Labid Ibn A'sam. He is a member of the tribe of Banii Zuraiq who is an ally of the Jews, a hypocrite.'

Question: 'With what did he bewitch him?'

Answer: 'With a comb and hair from the comb.'

Question: 'Where is the comb?'

Answer: 'In the dried bark of a male date palm under a rock in a well called Dharwan.' "

Sayyidah 'A'ishah radi'Allahu anha says that the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam went to the well to remove the comb with the hair and said: "This is the well I was shown in my dream." He removed it from the well. Sayyidah 'A'ishah radi'Allahu anha asked the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam: "Will you not make this public?" He replied: "Allah has cured me and I hate to cause harm to anyone." This implies that the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam did not want to be the cause anyone's molestation, death or destruction, because this is what would have exactly happened if the incident was publicised. (Sahih Bukhari).

According to a narration in Musnad of Ahmad, this illness of the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam lasted for six months. According to other narratives, some of the Companions knew that this wicked act was performed by Labid Ibn A'sam, and they courteously said to the Holy Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam: "Why should we not kill this wicked person?" He made the same reply to them as he did toSayyidah 'A'ishah radi'Allahu anha.

According to Imam Tha'labi's narration, a Jewish boy was the attendant of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, the hypocritical Jew flattered the boy and talked him into getting for him strands of the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam's hair from his comb, and a few of its teeth. Having obtained these items, he tied 11 knots on a string and a needle was stuck into each knot. Labid then placed this spell in the spathe of a male palm tree,and buried it under a stone in a well. On this occasion, the two Surahs (Surah Al-Falaq & Surah An-Nas) were revealed, comprising eleven verses. The Messenger of Allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam recited one verse at a time and untied one knot each time, until all the knots were untied, and he felt freed from the tension of the witchcraft.

[All these narratives have been adapted from Ibn Kathir.]

Source copied from-Ma'ariful Qur'an (Surah Al-Falaq), pg 918-920 

Thursday, 16 June 2016

Why are YOU still similar to the kuffar?

Why are you still indistinguishable from the Kuffar? 

You changed your given name to Muhammad Abdul something as salafi or Khadijah Amatullah bint something. So what?

  1. Why aren't you praying?
  2. Why are you still celebrating non-Muslim holidays with your non-Muslim family members?
  3. Why are you still dating?
  4. Why are you still drinking alcohol?
  5. Why are you still fornicating?
  6. Why are you still cursing and using vulgar speech?
  7. Why are you still going to nightclubs?
  8. Why aren't any of your friends Muslims?
  9. Why are you still wearing tight clothes(guys and gals!)
  10. Why are you still shaving your beard off?
  11. Sisters, why aren't you covered and why are you still dressing the same as before? Brothers, your pants!!!
  12. Why aren't you going to the masjid? At least for Jumu'ah salah.
  13. Why are you still taking pictures of beings with souls?
  14. Why are you still listening to music?
  15. Why aren't you reading and reciting Qur'an?
  16. Why aren't you learning Arabic?
  17. Why do you know all the latest gossip, are immersed in secular, Western pop culture but haven't memorized a single hadith?
  18. Why do you know so much about people the media refers to as "celebrities" but you don't know a single thing about the lives of the Sahaba or the Seerah of our beloved Nabi(sal Alahu alayhi wasallam)?
  19. Why do you keep up with all the latest technological gadgets but haven't learned about nature's natural toothbrush?...yup...the miswak.
  20. Why do you keep saying "don't judge me" but you you won't behave like a Muslim?
  21. Do you even know what du`a is?
  22. Why don't you think it's important to know who to take your Deen from?
  23. It's bad enough you are referring to other unrelated non-Muslims as your brothers and sisters, but the Rafidah(refer footnote) is a Shi`a?
  24. You know everything going on in the lands of the Kuffar, but what's happening with your fellow Muslims you are clueless? Why? Where is Dammaj?
  25. Why are you afraid of using words like "kuffar", "jihad", and "shari'ah"?
  26. When did you become a mujtadid or get iftaa, ijaza, or tazkiyya from anyone to go around making declarations like "multiple wives is not part of the Sunnah and not advisable in the modern world", "a sister does not have to wear hijab in the West", "music is not haram if the lyrics do not contravene the Shari'ah, so I see nothing wrong with anasheed accompanied to musical instruments".
  27. Who told you refutation is not part of Islam?
  28. You're not following any of the above, so why are you issuing fatawa on the Internet, anyway? 

If you refuse to actually follow Islam according to Qur'an and Sunnah, according to the understanding of the Salaf us Salih, then there is no point making pronouncements about what YOU THINK is Islamic or not.

Ma sha Allah you reverted, but without a real change in your heart, as evidenced by a change in the way you live, but it almost seems pointless. You can fool all of the people all of the time, but you will never fool Allah anytime.

Source copied from:-
Footnote1. As for the Rafidah, they fortified themselves in the mountains of Al-Jard and Al-Kasrawaniyyin. Ibn Taymiyyah headed for them in the year 704H with a group of his companions and requested a number of them to repent and they enjoined the laws of Islam upon them. In the beginning of the year 705H, Ibn Taymiyyah went to battle with a brigade and the deputy Sultan of Sham and Allah aided them over the Rafidah. (Al Fatwa-11/474) 

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Murtadkah Kita? (Did we become a Murtid?)

Merujuk kepada Surah Al-Baqarah (2:132)"Dan Nabi Ibrahim pun berwasiat dengan ugama itu kepada anak-anaknya, dan (demikian juga) Nabi Yaakub (berwasiat kepada anak-anaknya) katanya: "Wahai anak-anakku! Sesungguhnya Allah telah memilih ugama (Islam) ini menjadi ikutan kamu, maka janganlah kamu mati melainkan kamu dalam keadaan Islam". Ayat 86-89,"Mereka itulah orang-orang yang membeli (mengutamakan) kehidupan dunia (dan kesenangannya) dengan (meninggalkan perintah-perintah Allah yang membawa kebahagiaan dalam kehidupan) akhirat; maka tidak akan diringankan azab seksa mereka (pada hari kiamat), dan mereka pula tidak akan diberikan pertolongan. Dan sesungguhnya Kami telah memberikan kepada Nabi Musa Kitab Taurat, dan Kami iringi kemudian daripadanya dengan beberapa orang Rasul, dan Kami berikan kepada Nabi Isa Ibni Maryam beberapa mukjizat serta Kami teguhkan kebenarannya dengan Ruhul-Qudus (Jibril). Maka patutkah, tiap-tiap kali datang kepada kamu seorang Rasul membawa sesuatu (kebenaran) yang tidak disukai oleh hawa nafsu kamu, kamu (dengan) sombong takbur (menolaknya), sehingga sebahagian dari Rasul-rasul itu kamu dustakan, dan sebahagian yang lain pula kamu membunuhnya?Dan mereka (kaum Yahudi) berkata pula: "Hati kami tertutup (tidak dapat menerima Islam)". (Sebenarnya hati mereka tidak tertutup) bahkan Allah telah melaknatkan mereka disebabkan kekufuran mereka, oleh itu maka sedikit benar mereka yang beriman.Dan ketika datang kepada mereka sebuah Kitab dari Allah (Al Quran), yang mengesahkan apa yang ada pada mereka (Kitab Taurat), sedang mereka sebelum itu sentiasa memohon (kepada Allah) kemenangan atas kaum kafir musyrik (dengan kedatangan seorang Nabi pembawa Kitab itu). Setelah datang kepada mereka apa yang mereka sedia mengetahui kebenarannya (Nabi Muhammad dan Al Quran), mereka mengingkarinya; maka (dengan yang demikian), laknat Allah menimpa orang-orang yang kafir ingkar itu."

Dari Surah ‘Ali –‘Imran (3:102) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah dengan sebenar-benar taqwa, dan jangan sekali-kali kamu mati melainkan dalam keadaan Islam." 

Dan Surah An-Nisa’(4:136) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Tetapkanlah iman kamu kepada Allah dan RasulNya, dan kepada Kitab Al-Quran yang telah diturunkan kepada RasulNya (Muhammad, s.a.w), dan juga kepada Kitab-kitab Suci yang telah diturunkan dahulu daripada itu. Dan sesiapa yang kufur ingkar kepada Allah, dan Malaikat-malaikatNya, dan Kitab-kitabNya, dan Rasul-rasulNya dan juga Hari Akhirat, maka sesungguhnya ia telah sesat dengan kesesatan yang amat jauh."  

Setiap yang beriman wajib memelihara imannya agar selamat, dari perkara-perkara yang merosakkan imannya. Dan apabila berlaku perkara2 yang menyebabkan rosaknya iman, maka murtadlah jadinya.


i)       Bahawa alam ini Kadim (kekal) atau ianya terjadi sendiri. Bukan Allah yang menjadikan
ii)      Bahawa Allah itu baharu sama seperti makhluk, punya sifat yang sama dengan sifat2 makhluk yang baharu
iii)     Bahawa apa2 yang disampaikan oleh Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam itu bohong dan tidak benar.
iv)     Bahawa tidak ada dosa dan pahala. Tidak ada syurga dan neraka, tidak ada kiamat dan hari kebangkitan. Tidak ada hisab amalan dan sebagainya.
v)     Bahawa roh orang yang mati berpindah2, dari satu jasad ke satu jasad yang lain.
vi)    Bahawa semua agama sama saja, atau ia percaya agama kafir lebih baik dan mudah dari agama Islam
vii)   Berbalik2 hati samaada hendak menjadi kafir atau terus kekal dalam agama Islam

Cara KEDUA, MURTAD KERANA PERKATAAN.  Dengan mencaci, menghina, mengherdik, mempersenda, merendah2kan nama2 Allah, sifat2nya, malaikat2nya, kitab2nya, rasul2nya. Juga menjadi murtad kerana perkataannya yang menolak mana2 hukum yang telah sah dalam Al-Quran, atau Hadith.

Contohnya dengan mengatakan;
  1. “Hukum apa ni” Bila diberitahu orang murtad wajib dihukum pancung oleh pemerintah, setelah dinasihati untuk bersyahadah, agar kembali kepada Islam dalam masa 20 hari, tetapi ia enggan untuk kembali kepada Islam. Hukum ini bersabit dengan hadith Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam
  2. “Hukum ini sudah lapuk. Sekarang ni kita hidup dizaman maju, wanita tidak perlu dibungkus. Riba, kalau diharamkan, terhalanglah kemajuan.”
  3. “Minum arak untuk sihat badan, senang beribadah,boleh, tidak haram”
  4. “Kalau hendak sangat dengan Islam, sampai bilapun tidak akan maju”
  5. “Berjudi, kalau masing2 rela menerima untung ruginya, apa salahnya”
  6. Bila diberitahu, dari antara Sunnah Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam, apabila selesai makan, sunat menjilat sisa makanan dijarinya,”Ini tidak beradab” atau “Eee, geli aku” katanya.
  7. Membaca mana2 ayat Al-Quran, atau Hadith Nabi, atau berselawat keatas Nabi, atau menyebut mana2 hukum Islam, sebagai persendaan, bukan untuk dipatuhi, atau bukan untuk tujuan beribadah kepada Allah Ta’ala.
  8. “Haa…. Dengar tu,… Si pulan sudah mula melalak.” Sewaktu mendengar Adzan dilaungankan.
  9. Menuduh seorang Muslim itu kafir. Tanpa bukti yang jelas sebab kafirnya
  10. Seseorang yang diberi peringatan untuk jangan mencuri, jangan minum arak, jangan berzina, nanti jadi kafir. Dikatanya “Lantaklah, kafir, kafirlah.” Maka, ia jadi kafir dengan kata2nya.

KETIGA; Murtad Dengan Perbuatan;
  1. Melakukan penghormatan kepada mana2 makhluk, yang hanya dikhususkan untuk beribadah kepada Allah sahaja, seperti sujud atau sekurang2nya rukuk yang sah dalam sembahyang.
  2. Melakukan ibadah terhadap mana2 makhluk, yang disembah oleh orang2 kafir, atau turut serta melakukan ibadah yang dilakukan oleh orang2 kafir.
  3. Perbuatan menghina, dengan meletakkan ayat2 suci, atau hadith2 nabi, atau nama2 Allah, atau Rasul2nya, atau Malaikat2nya, atau kitab2nya, ditempat najis , atau kotor, dengan tujuan menghina. Kalau bukan tujuan menghina pun hukumnya tetap haram.
  4. Perbuatan meninggalkan amalan fardhu, seperti salat, puasa bulan Ramadan dengan mengingkari wajibnya.

  1. Melafazkan dua Kalimah Syahadah. Lebih baik difahamkan maksud kalimah tersebut, jika tidak dalam Bahasa Arab, memadai dengan menyebut mengikut bahasanya sendiri.
  2. Kepada yang kafir yang berfahaman bahawa, kerasulan Nabi Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam, hanya untuk bangsa Arab sahaja, hendaklah ditambah dengan pengakuan bahawa; kerasulan Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam ialah untuk semua umat manusia.
  3. Kepada orang2 kafir, kerana murtad, dengan mana2 sebab yang diterangkan diatas, hendaklah ditambah dalam pengakuannya; Bahawa ia bertaubat dari mengulangi perkara yang menyebabkan ia menjadi murtad.

Semoga Allah memelihara IMAN kita, dengan memberikan taufiq dan hidayahnya… Aameen.

Mastika Hadith, Jilid (1), Bahagian Hal Ehwal Agama Islam, Jabatan Perdana Menteri. (Diluluskan oleh, Tun Abdul Razak bin Hussein – 3 September 1973).

Monday, 25 April 2016

I am not 'Aisyah...

I am not ‘Aisyah,
Who possess noble knowledge and dignified status,
As I’m just a woman,
Who are constantly struggling in seeking knowledge in patience and prayers.

I am not ‘Aisyah,
The strong-willed,
With immense sacrifice,
As I’m just a woman,
Learning to be among the mujahidah facing the challenges of the dunya.

I am not ‘Aisyah,
Whom has contributed immensely to the Ummah,
As I’m just a woman,
Still in my baby steps accumulating as much good deeds as I can.

I am not ‘Aisyah,
Whom perfection is beyond compare,
Her jealousy harboured amusement in the heart of Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam,
Her demeanor strengthened Rasulullah’s love towards her,
Her knowledge is Rasulullah’s pride and delight,
that continues to spread among the entire Ummah.

I am not ‘Aisyah,
Because I’m just a woman,
Who are far from being perfect,
Given the chance to live everyday by Allah,
Strengthen and tied with Imaan and Islam as a blessings from Allah,
Therefore I have a dream and faith,
with Ya Rahim’ wills and guidance,
For I, will have the ultimate tranquility when I enter His Jannah
Solely by His Mercy.

In Shaa Allah.