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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Learning the Surah of Al-Quran: Suratun-Nasr (110: The Help/ The Divine Support)

Suratun-Nasr was the last complete surah of the Quran to be revealed, on the occasion of the Farewell Pilgrimage three months before the Prophet saw’s death. The surah itself was a sign from Allah that his mission had been completed and he could look forward to returning to his Lord in full favour.

Only two years before, the holy city of Makkah had been peacefully taken over by an army of 10,000 Muslims and had been cleansed of idolatry and all evil practices. Now, no less than 100,000 believers accompanied the Prophet saw on his Farewell Pilgrimage to the holy city! In that short time, Islam had spread beyond Makkah and Madinah to include all of Arabia. For the first time in recorded history, people had accepted-by the thousands- the Prophethood of a man while he was still alive, and received him as their leader and ruler. Tribe after tribe came to offer their allegiance to the beloved Prophet Muhammad saw and merchants began to spread the message of Islam beyond the borders of Arabia. The mission of Prophet Muhammad saw had become, through Allah’s infinite grace, clearly victorious.

Although this is a specific instruction to the beloved Prophet saw, it is also meant generally for all believers. Whenever a person is successful in any worthy project or undertaking, no matter how much he has sacrificed and how much good he has done, he must never forget to remain humble before his Lord, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.


Suratun-Nasr (110: The Help/ The Divine Support)

In the name of Allah, the Kindest and Most Merciful One..
  1. When Allah's help comes, and a successful victory,
  2. and you see people accepting Allah's religion in masses,
  3. then remember to praise your Lord and ask Him for forgiveness. Surely He is always ready to forgive.

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